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Community Blog

Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system
  • The trademark team manages and defends Joomla-related trademarks and licensing on behalf of the the Joomla Community. We want to make sure the world respects the policies and regulations we have around the use of the Joomla! name and brand mark. This comes with a lot of work. We need active team members that will pick up on tasks such as building our own trademark subdomain on the Joomla!-website, finetuning processes as we want to make it easy for applicants to apply online and follow their submission. Furthermore we need license administrators to take in the requests and give follow up. In time, licenses have to be checked randomly and regularly on proper use. Are you interested in taking part in our team? Or do you have suggestions on who would be interested in joining? Please let us know by writing a short (introduction) e-mail to our team-leader, Marco Richter ( Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. ). Most roles only require less than a couple of hours per week. No special experience is necessary. As a team we will manage. We will teach you what you need to know. We welcome your response!You can expect a reply within two business-days.

  • On August 17 Joomla! will turn ten. 10 Years Together as a community, as contributors and as friends. For this special occasion co-founder, Brian Teeman, has created a website to celebrate 10 Years Together. As a community we’re selling unique and time-limited shirts.

  • Your network is secure, your computer is up and running, and your webserver is still online. Why? Because you’ve got an awesome sysadmin (or maybe a whole IT department) keeping your business up and running. So say IT loud; say IT proud …

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